Thursday, I had my continuing-ed testing in Concord. I came home to find that Matt had taken the boys for the day. So we played some games, made mac n'cheese for lunch, and took them to Livingston Park for the afternoon.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Overdue Post 4: a day with the boys
Overdue Post 3: Walking in Massabesic
Last Sunday, Matt and I took a walk around Lake Massabesic. Despite the heat, it was a gorgeous day, and we really enjoyed exploring the trails and discovering all of the plants that grow in the area. I was surprised to find that there were wild blueberries growing along all the paths which hadn't been completely stripped of berries by animals or other walkers. We were also surprised by how big around the lake is. We walked for two hours and really only made it about 1/3 of the way around and back.
Overdue posts
A few weeks ago, we met up with the Ciccarellos, who were camping at Greenfield State Park with the parish family program. We arrived just in time for mass. It was kind of neat to walk into a campground and find many members of Ste. Maries sitting in rows, with an altar and a cross and people ready to play music. Fr. Don arrived a little after we did.
After mass, we went back to the Cic's campsite, where Tommy put all his brothers to work stretching dough and he fried up enough to treat everyone there.
Next year, I think we'll actually camp. It was great to hang around the fire with the Cics and St Germains. Thanks, Tommy, for inviting us!