Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tax Season is Over! Hurray!

This week at work's been crazy because of tax season. If I post anything more about it, I'll have to report my whole blog for compliance reasons, so I guess that's enough said. I'm glad tax season's over, and I am really looking forward to this summer.

Last night I went to Joe and Amy's to help with packing, and then once Matt was out of work we tackled the table assignment project. This is not as simple a task as you might think. I worked on my family's side and got them all fairly well arranged into tables before he came, because the guy relieving him at work was really late coming in. I knew we had tables of 10 and tables of 12, so I was putting them all into the 12-seaters. It it was actually working out beautifully. My sisters and brother and some of our cousins all fit neatly into 2 tables. My aunts and uncles took 2 more. SMYAM, people from the music group, and assorted Ste. Marie's friends occupied 3, etc.

Then when Matt came, I pulled out the room layout and realized that all the 12-seaters are in the center of the room and the 10-seaters are along the edges. Which meant I had put all my family and friends in the center, leaving Matt's side for the edges of the room. Crap. Also, I had envisioned putting all the younger kids in a certain section (further away from the candy bar), but that was a section with 10 seaters, and the 12 seaters were much closer to the candy bar. CRAP.

The good news is that I had a pretty good method for assigning tables. I had printed out the guestlist and then cut it into strips, keeping couples and families togther. Then I used Post-It picture paper (which by the way is really cool) cut into 2 x 5 pieces, sticking the strips to their assigned "table." The Post-It stickiness is perfect - it allowed me to move names over and over again, and there was space on the front to label the table with what group is sitting there.

So we still have some playing around to do. I am waiting still on about 14 people who haven't RSVP'd yet, so I know I can't keep this set in stone until we have final names and numbers.

And we're T-minus 23 days. Or maybe that should be W-minus. M-minus? With as busy as we are, Matt and I are very testy with each other lately. And I have this personality thing which drives him crazy. I don't know if it's just how i was made, or if it comes from growing up in an alcoholic family, but I will apologize for the stupidest things. I will apologize to him for things that I have no control over and that are completely not my fault. And in that moment I will be genuinely sorry, and I will feel like I should be able to do something to make things better. So it goes something like this: He will tell me he's annoyed with something, and I will take it personally, feeling like it's my fault he's annoyed, which drives him crazy and annoys him more... and we're in a viscious cycle where I get defensive because I take on responsibility for things I have no control over and he gets upset because he can't tell me when he's frustrated by things without feeling like it's going to lead to me telling him "sorry" over and over again.

This has been happening more lately because we're so prickly around each other. We never really bicker or take umbrage with each other over small things, but in the past week we have been. And I know it's because we're impatient and I'll put it frankly: Waiting for marriage is really hard. I had thought that once we got to a few weeks away, it would get easier because the goal would be in sight, but that was totally off. Right now we're so irritable with each other, it's ridiculous. Some of that is the stress of getting everything done, and some of that is feeling like we can't truly relax in each other's presence because then we get too snuggly and tempted. So we snap at each other. It's hard, and gets harder the closer we get. So we keep praying together, we keep trying to focus on being prepared for marriage, and we're trying to keep busy as well. Thank God it's only for 3 more weeks!

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