So yesterday we went back to work. It was the first time Matt and I have been apart (except for the bathroom) since the wedding! Setting aside the fact that we had to work again, it wasn't such a bad day. At my work it turned out to be a quarterly team-building day, so it was a lot of fun and games and not much in the way of business stuff. When I got home, Matt and I did some more unpacking and cleaning and then went to Walmart to return some gifts we'd received and drop off the disposable film camera for development. Then we went home, made dinner, and watched TV and played video games for a little while before bed.
One of the things that was so great about the week leading up to the wedding was that Sandra was here. Sandra is my best friend from college, and aside from Matt is the person who best understands me. It really completely sucks that we live so far apart, but we are fortunate that this is one of those rare friendships that can withstand long periods of no contact without causing hurt feelings or just drifting apart. We try not to take that for granted, but it's nice that neither of us feel like we have to call or write out of obligation. It's also nice to know that whenever I see her name on my caller ID, it's because she wants to talk to me or has news to share, and it's never "just to check in."
Sandra got in on Saturday, during Matt's Bachelor Party. Mike threw the party, and while I teased Mike about not allowing me to go when many other women in Matt's family were crashing it, it actually worked out well because it gave Sandra and I time to hang out and talk just the two of us, and for her to get settled in.
I should also note here that we learned that I am so totally not the one to get someone to a surprise party. I had told Mike I would be able to take care of it, but with the stress and the number of things I needed to get done, I totally screwed it up. Matt had told me earlier in the week that he thought it would be on Saturday, and every time he mentioned it, I changed the subject because I am such a bad liar I knew I wouldn't be able to contradict him. Then I told him that I'd told Tanya that I would bring dinner by for them because she was having morning sickness again. So here comes Saturday and we're cleaning the apartment and getting things ready and I completely forget to actually make something to bring for dinner. We went to confession at 3, and when we got in the car, Matt asked me where to next. I replied "Mike and Tanya's." He then pointed out that I have nothing to bring them for dinner. Crap. Crap crap crap crap crap. Of course he laughed at me and said that he knew it anyway because I never directly answered him when he said it would be on Saturday.
After I dropped him off I went back home where my mom and Rain helped me finish getting the apartment cleaned up and ready for the week. We got some subs for dinner, and Sandra got in around 6. We hung out for a little while and then headed over to Mike and Tanya's where the party was winding down. Everyone was in the backyard, sitting around talking. We joined them and spent the rest of the evening joking, talking, and eating pancakes which Mike made because Tanya was craving them. I love pregnant woman cravings.
On Sunday Sandra sang with the music group at mass. One of the things I love about her is that she's talented enough to pick things up and fake it even when she doesn't know the songs. We haven't sung together in a group since college and the Collegium, so it was nice to do it again, even just for a day. Monday she drove me to work since my car was in the shop, and then she picked me up in the evening and brought me to pick up the car which was finally repaired. Then we went home, where she made amazing gourmet pork chops, asparagus, and rosemary potatoes, which we drank with a very good red wine. She had spent the day trying to get the programs to print, but the printer was simply not cooperating and after weighing various options we decided to send it to be printed at Staples. This was frustrating because we'd spent money printer ink and cardstock, but it turned out to be a good choice because they were beautiful and it was far less of a headache.
Tuesday was a day of organizing and getting details finished. Kim and Aaron were kind enough to let us use their house to have a centerpiece setting up/favor boxes filling/program folding party. We got Chinese food and Therese, Kim, Kelsey, Allison, Hipp, and Matt's parents came to help with all these final details, and all of their work made things go quickly. Sandra was a blessing, too, because people quickly learned to ask her what they should do about a certain detail because she pretty much knew what I would said. That took a huge burden of decision making off my shoulders and helped me relax a bit.
More later. I'm gonna be late for work.
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