Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lab Results

The lab results are in, and they have good and bad news. The good news is that the quantitative HCG level is right where it should be for how far along I am. The bad news is that my progesterone is only 14.3, when it should be in the high 20's. This means more progesterone shots twice a week, and more levels drawn every two weeks during the "trough" - the time when the progesterone has wore off, right before I get another shot. So it's treatable, but not in a simple way, and I am really achey for the rest of the day when I get the shot.

I am looking forward to being able to hear the heartbeat, but at least I have the reassurance that baby is okay. The HCG level tells us that jellybean is growing, and I haven't been very tired or felt nauseated at all except for some brief and vague queasiness on occasion.

(Sorry Tanya.)


K's Mama said...

Don't worry. The gods of pregnancy are usually fair. If you escape the nausea and tiredness there will be some dreaded suffereing somewhere along the way.... maybe a long labor etc etc. Enjoy feeling great! I am happy for you ( really!) Pregnancy suffering for me is the darkest most difficult suffering of my life and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. YAY for a growing jellybean!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear HCG levels are where they are suppose to be, but sorry to hear that you will continue to need shots. We will continue to pray that all goes well with the pregnancy.