Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time Management Skills

3 weeks and 5 days.

They have gone by in a blur. It seems like he's been here forever, and like it will be like this forever, too. I wake up to my new routine of feeding him, and then trying to squeeze in breakfast, bathroom, and getting dressed before Matt has to get ready for work. Sometimes I am still in my pajamas when he leaves. Sometimes I manage to do the dishes or get a load of laundry done. As the day goes by, it seems like my arms are always full since he's not a fan of being put down. We have taken walks and had friends visit and watched the first seasons of Glee and Battlestar Gallactica.

And I'm learning how this works. We had him sleeping with us the first 2 weeks because it seemed easier, and then we figured out if we swaddle, feed and put him down in the car seat, Joseph will sleep there for most of the night. If I lay him down on a blanket during the day, he will fuss a few minutes, but then he will start looking around and chill out for up to half an hour (this I learned when I had to put him down to use the bathroom one day... the day before he flipped out but that day, he actually seemed to enjoy it). Gripe water is a freaking miracle. He loves music and will stop fussing to listen if you sing to him.
I'm getting better at typing one-handed.

And I'm learning to keep the camera charged and close by...

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