Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something to be Thankful for

I'm not normally superstitious. I owned a black cat, I've opened umbrellas indoors, and I don't toss salt over my shoulder when it's been spilled. I don't believe you can spare your mother's back by jumping over cracks in the sidewalk, and I don't believe you can bless yourself by only picking up pennies when they're facing head's up. I just don't place store in that kind of thing.

But for some reason, I have been reluctant to post on the blog that I'm pregnant again.

I know that it won't cause a problem by posting it. I know that talking about the pregnancy here is not why I miscarried in May. But still I have thought about what I wanted to say here and then found myself thinking, "eh, I'll do it tomorrow." And so it's postponed another day. Until today, that is, which is the day that I have decided that I need to stop being superstitious about this and just talk about it.

So, I'm pregnant. Bun in the oven. Expecting. In a motherly way. So far things are going well. I had enough morning sickness to be reassured without being terrribly inconvenienced. I've dealt with the soreness, and being tired, and food aversions, and having to give up sweets for a while because they seemed to be the one thing which reliably made me sick. We had an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, and then in our most recent appointment we heard the heartbeat. I've been doing progesterone shots again and dealing with the side effects of that (extremely itchy, and painful breasts. It makes me terrified of breast feeding).

Now we're solidly in the second trimester (officially 15 weeks and 5 days) and I'm starting to show slightly. I'm in between morning sickness and feeling the baby move and so I still have times when I am fearful. Thankfully my friend at work has lent me her fetal doppler, and so I can hear the heartbeat at home. It's a great model, and I can actually record from the doppler to the computer, so once I get better at locating the heartbeat and figure out how to actually record and post it, I will post it up here. I also have an ultrasound on December 13th, so we'll be able to see the baby M&M (as Matt's mom calls it) and found out if it's a him or her.

In the meantime, here was our first peek: