Good Morning
I woke up this morning at 6:30 am. This was of course ridiculous, especially because we had gone to bed last night (or actually, this morning) at 1 am after having Allison, Kim, and Aaron over to feast on a Thai dinner and watch Julie & Julia. They each brought a portion of the meal, and we prepared it together while catching up and enjoying each other's company. Kim and Aaron brought spring rolls, coconut rice, and golden purses. Allison brough a green papaya (well, actually Jicama since there was no green papaya to be found) salad, croissant bread pudding and a coconut-key lime custard. I added Pad Thai, Chicken Satay, and Peanut Sauce to the menu. We used my fancy dishes and sat around the table well after the meal was over, talking and telling stories. So we didn't even start the movie until 10pm. For the record, I haven't seen The Blindside, but I am now convinced that Meryl Streep was robbed. She was absolutely amazing.I was sure I would sleep until at least 8 this morning, especially since I've been so tired lately with the pregnancy. But 6:30 this morning I opened my eyes and was fully awake. Ridiculous. I got up, had breakfast, and read the first few entries of the Julie/Julia Project because I wanted to know why Julia Child hadn't liked the blog, but I wasn't able to figure it out from what I've read so far.So I was awake when I heard the woodpecker outside. We've been hearing him in the early morning for a week now, ratatatatatattatatatatatatata and it's been so loud and the quality of the sound made it seem like he might have been actually tapping on the aluminum siding on our house. When I heard him, I looked around outside and found him perched on the guardrail, tapping on the wooden post. The metal guardrail sure conducts sound well! I managed to snap a quick shot of him through the screen door before he noticed me and flew away.
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This article includes an interview with Julia's editor and friend Judit Jones. It gives some insight into why Julia didn't like the project.
~ Aaron
I'd been reading the Julie/Julia Project off and on yesterday, and I had kind of came to the conclusion the article indicates; She really kind of does does half-a**, and it's not like she really cares about learning how to cook. It's just a thing to do because she's bored and she needs to feel like she has a purpose.
I am, however, becoming a kind of a big fan of Julia Child. I had no idea about how cool and funny she was. I grew up hearing her high, weird voice on her PBS show and thought she was just some strange, sort of flighty lady. Stupid impressions that stick with you when you're a kid.
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