Things are growing. I've convinced Matt to go to not one, not two, but THREE farmer's markets. And although he doesn't understand why I love gardening so much (and why I have to buy every single gardening implement out there) he does appreciate fresh fruit and vegetables and good local dairy and eggs.

We've spent time with family, and we've hung out with friends who've dropped by on a whim.

I've cooked more than this oreo cheesecake, but those things warrant a post of their own.

The lawnmower which was in the attic of the garage only needed some fresh gas to get started. Our neighbor helped Matt look it over after we wrestled it out of the attic. Fortunately he also had a funnel, because after they checked the oil, they didn't put the cap back on right, which led to oil spraying in a 3 foot radius. So I guess it technically got an oil change, too. Looks like we'll need it, because we're going to need to put in some serious work to the yard to make it a lawn, since our whole yard is an ant metropolis right now.

Matt sprayed the foundation and under the porches, which has let to fewer ants in the house but has not obliterated them completely. It also revealed the amazing support structure on the side porch:

In the picture of the strawberries, where are you?
Those were at the Concord farmer's market. I'm hoping to get there again on Saturday, if you want to come with me.
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