I am very grateful for our friends. I am so glad they like destroying things and don't mind getting dirty. Because the bedroom/bathroom renovation has begun, and it is messy, messy, work.

It's a great way to begin the new year! Thanks Art and Nicole for making us a part of it.
I took this picture on New Year's Day. Being pregnant is weird, because I have had such body issues my whole life. I can't think of a time post-adolescence where I haven't been embarassed by my body and believed that I just needed more discipline and will power to actually be attractive. I find myself envying girls who had the strength of will to be bulimic and anorexic, and if that doesn't sum it up, I don't know how else to explain it. There have been times when I haven't felt as bad, but never a time when I've looked in the mirror and been pleased.
So to suddenly have this belly, and be pleased with it... it's strange. I'm still paranoid about gaining weight and terrified of my post baby body. But this belly showed up literally over a weekend right after Thanksgiving. On Friday it wasn't there and then Monday it was. And I was excited about it. Which I guess is a step in the right direction.
Also, those disney pajamas are some of the most comfortable things I've ever owned.