We've been framed. I know, groan, right? But it was pretty darn exciting to come home on Friday and see the outline of walls and the shower stall. I couldn't take pictures until Sunday afternoon, though, because there are no lights in the room and I've been working past dark every day.
Also, why did I never before notice how gorgeous the natural light is in the bedroom?
Unfortunately it was already starting to get dark when I started taking the pictures, so I had to switch to flash mode to get the full room.
And look! Level ceiling rafters. Hurray!
The reason I had only a little daylight left to take pictures was because I had to clear out my craft nook so that the workers can cut out the new bedroom door. It will be cut right where the closer bookshelf is. I was frantically packing up tools and papers and glue sticks and running the boxes downstairs while Matt spent two hours outside chopping up the inch and a half of ice on the driveway.
Where is my craft nook going to wind up? No idea. We still have to figure that out.
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