I would like to put a garden in next week. I am really looking forward to having fresh vegetables, and gardening is as good as cooking for me when it comes to relaxing. I bought bean seeds and pea seeds, and next weekend I'll buy plants: tomatoes and peppers, zucchini, lettuce and cucumbers. A few herbs, and some marigolds to serve as a nature insect deterrent.
But our yard is still under attack. The squirrels are ridiculous, bending over tulip stems and digging holes in the area which will one day be a lawn. I have tried a pretty nasty spray that my dad got for me which is supposed to deter animals from chewing on the bulbs and shoots of my tulips and crocuses. But like the moth balls, it hasn't seemed to deter them in the slightest. In any event, I can't use the spray or moth balls around food crops, so those options are out. Naturally, I have concerns about planting a garden to just have animals dig up plants, chew on leaves, and generally wreak havok. So this week I paid good money to buy urine.
Yeah. I know. $30 for pee? Well, yeah. See, it's granulated fox urine, and foxes are natural predators of small critters like squirrels, rabbits, mice, and moles. The idea is that you sprinkle the powder around perimeter of the garden, and small animals think that foxes are hanging around there, and they will stay away. I tried sprinkling some around the bulb beds, and we'll see if the dafodils, which are just starting to send up buds, survive to blossom.
1 comment:
You need a fence. Seriously. Thats probablt the only thing that will keep them away. We had to put chicken wire fencing around our fence as "they" were squeezing in around and under the fence to eat my veggies.
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