Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ah, the back and forth

We heard back from the seller. They came back with a price 10K less than their asking price and 20K more than what we offered. After praying about it some more, we came up another 5K in our counter offer and they then came back another 7K below their counter offer. So we signed the buyer's agreement last night and we will hear something definite today. Our realtor has been awesome in helping us with the negotiations, and he even came over last night at 10:30 pm with the paperwork for us to sign so that we could get this thing done. So we are one step closer to getting this house. Now comes inspection, and appraisal, and waiting... We have to tell our landlords today, and we are hoping that they will allow us to stay a few more weeks after our lease is up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you want the name of an excellent ( by Mikes standards) and Catholic inspector let us know!-tanya