Here's the critter who's been digging up our yard. Apologies for the fuzziness of the pictures, but I was taking them through a screen window. I figured if I went out side to take them he would run away. (wait, don't I want him to run away?) Anyway, I watched him frolic around the yard, digging little holes and pulling out acorns and other seeds that either fell there last fall or were buried there by him or one of his buddies. A little googling has helped me learn that the best solution is granulated predator urine. It's available in wolf, coyote, and a few other dangerous creatures. you shake it around the perimeter of the yard and flower beds and critters like skunk and squirrels stay away. I am definitely getting some for when I put in the vegetable garden.
With this week off from work, I have a few projects in the works. The biggest one is painting the front hall and living room. Goodbye ugly grey panelling! By the end of the week, the hall will be a medium blue (Behr's Ocean View) and the living room a pale blue-green with a touch of grey in it (Behr's Rhythmic Blue). Last night Matt helped me sand the hallway, and today while he's working, I'll be sanding the living room and (hopefully) getting a coat of primer on the walls. Luckily since the blues are in the same range, I only needed to get one can of tinted primer. I looked into getting a low-VOC paint but apparently they aren't as reliable on surfaces like panelling, so instead I got a snazzy respirator to breathe through which will filter out the fumes, and I'll be using the ceiling fans and the big industrial fan we have to make sure we have plenty of circulation. I used the respirator last night while we were sanding. It's less than comfortable. It pinches your nose shut a little, so you have to breathe through your mouth, and the chin part puts tension on the jaw, so you actually have to hold your mouth open against resistance. Unfortunately I have a problem with TMJ, so that leads to a very sore jaw after a few hours of breathing in this thing.
The reason I'm doing it, however:
We found out on the Monday after Easter, and Matt has refused to let me refer to it as the jelly bean, but in my head it's evolved to "little bean." According to the online calculators, it should arrive sometime around the Immaculate Conception, but I still have to meet with Anne Marie to get a better estimated due date.
Oh my goodness Mary Kate...I have to tell you that on Easter Sunday Karina TOLD me you were going to have a baby!!!
I said lets just wait and did she know??
I'll let you tell her.
Congratulations...I hope you're feeling well.
First off... a + pregnacy test deserves its own post!!!
Secondly... I think you should refer to my new neice or nephew as Jelly Bean as Little Bean is Israel's in utero name and its copyrighted... :o)
Thirdly Mike wants to know why you are sanding paneling????
Fourthly.. you need a pregnancy ticker! and MIke says you need to make your pics on your blog bigger..
Okay Done commentary for the night.
a) sanding the paneling to remove the glossiness so the paint will stick. My aunt just had a professional paint her paneling and said this was how he did it.
b) pregnancy ticker will come when I find out the EDD.
c) all of the family already knew about the pregnancy before I posted that, so it wasn't so much of an announcement as yours was with Israel.
d) I'm sticking with little bean for the time being. Sue me. :)
e) how small are they showing on your screen? On mine the pics are showing about 2 x 3 1/2 inches.
Yeah they are bout 2 x 3 and 1/2 but its tiny.. make em bigger!!!
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