I've been surfing pregnancy websites, and noticing all the interesting "pregnancy tickers" that are out there. I have to say, there really are some neat ones. Like this one:

Make a pregnancy ticker
And the ones which I have along the bottom and on the side of this blog.
Looking at these, I realized what a schizophrenic world we live in. When we want to be pregnant and have a baby, then all the amazing details of fetal development are described and we can see pictures of what they look like. But when it's a matter of "choice," when a woman doesn't want to have the baby, then we definitely do not want to have any of this information out there. The pro-lifers who publish these same images are being tasteless and manipulative.
How can we be that dishonest with ourselves? How can we be so willfully ignorant and blind? I don't really have a more developed line of thought about this right now, but it just struck me so strongly looking at these tickers. So I guess I am glad that these tickers are out there. I suppose the best we can do is pray that things like this can be instruments that witness to the amazing dignity of human life.
Also, today Matt referred to the baby as jellybean. I win.
The compress won't work, remember I had to give myself 5 shots a week of progesterone from 5 weeks along until 35 weeks with the last 4 pregnancies! I still have numb spots! That's why I say these kids have better not have that "teenage moment" where they yell I never wanted them. Just remember you are doing this so the jelly bean can become a malt ball! It is just the first of many sacrifices and joys of being a parent! love ya.
Ah, yes, progesterone shots. I know them well. I took them the whole first trimester. Matt's pretty good if he thinks he can give them to you, Anthony isn't good with needles so my mom did it. Speaking of which, if you need more natural progesterone or needles, let me know because I have a ton left over and I think the progesterone eventually expires so I couldn't use it the next time around anyways. My levels are good now, so I shouldn't need any more in this pregnancy, thank goodness. They do hurt. But it is all totally worth it!! :)
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