Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Radio Commentators Suck Sometimes...

Okay, I get that with the inauguration that we now have entered into a "new era of responsibility." I also get that many many people feel that Obama is a good man who will do a lot of good things for our country. In all honesty, I do agree with some of his policies; things like the environment, education, healthcare, etc. Many of the things he is proposing fall right in line with Catholic teachings on social justice. And while we do not agree on some of the ways he is proposing we solve the economic crisis, gay mariage, and more importantly on life issues, I will give the man his due. He is a charismatic, well-spoken man whom I believe does have good intentions and the ability to persuade people to work with him to accomplish goals.

But I am tired of the irrational exuberance I have been hearing on the radio over the past few days. And I'm not talking about the interviewed attendees of the inauguration. I'm talked about the interviewers and commentators who cannot stop gushing for one objective moment of discussion about the significantly difficult problems Obama will need to solve quickly if he is to maintain his momentum. Because seriously, a lot of the reason people follow him and are persuaded by him is because they expect him to succeed. If he doesn't get a big win in the first 100 days, I think the shine will be off this apple pretty quickly. But I digress. I was complaining about radio commentators.

I hit my limit this evening driving home. On All Things Considered, a reporter for NPR was giving an overview of the presidential prayer service which took place in the National Cathedral this morning. In the background, you could hear a choir singing "He's got the whole world in His hands," and the reporter spoke over them, saying that this was a song that people have heard over and over again, but the words now took on a deeper and more significant meaning when you looked at Mr. Obama in the front row.

Seriously? I wanted to grab my phone to call NPR and ask if the reporter knew who the "He" was in the song. Did the reporter really not understand that the song is about God holding the whole world in his hands, or was he intentionally inserting the new president in His place? Yes, I get that Obama is now the leader of the most powerful country in the free world, but he's still a man. Enough of the messiah complex already.

And don't even get me started on considering Obama as the "he" in the verse that begins "He's got the itty bitty babies in his hands."


The Real EMO said...

I couldn't agree more! Great post! Congrats on getting back to the gym!

The Real EMO said...

oops- its tanya writing that